Janyces 1999 Pictures

The pictures in the pages below are all from 1999.

Janyce's Pictures - 4/99
Janyce - Close Up
Swimsuit Time
Ready for a Night Out
A Girl's Work is Never Done
Fun After A Shopping Day
The Girl Next Door
Dressing for a Night Out
Working on Cleavage

Other Pages
More About Janyce
Janyces 1999 Pictures
The New Janyce for 2000

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Janyce's Pictures - 4/99 ] Janyce - Close Up ] Swimsuit Time ] Ready for a Night Out ] A Girl's Work is Never Done ] Fun After A Shopping Day ] The Girl Next Door ] Dressing for a Night Out ] Working on Cleavage ]

Send Email to: janyce38@yahoo.com

Notice: The pictures on this site are the sole property of the owner and cannot be used or reproducved without the owner's permission. 

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